Priority Ambulance announced today the arrival of its second class of Australian paramedics as part of the company’s international program, Priority International EMS Workforce Initiative. The initiative launched with its first international paramedics in the summer of 2023.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the overall employment of EMS professionals is projected to increase by 5 percent from 2022 to 2032. As the need for more EMS professionals continues to rise, Priority Ambulance is proud to offer innovative solutions, including the Priority International EMS Workforce Initiative, to ensure its communities across the nation are provided with consistent high-quality and reliable patient care.
Unlike the U.S., there are more paramedics in Australia than open positions. The International EMS Workforce Initiative provides Australian paramedics with job opportunities while filling a vital need in the U.S. While paramedics from Australia have graduated from degreed programs in Australia, they will complete an eight-week paramedic boot camp in the U.S. and meet and pass all state and national EMS licensing exams. Students in the Priority International EMS Workforce Initiative receive free training, transportation, and housing assistance. After successfully completing the program and certification as a National Registered Paramedic, graduates will be offered a full-time position with the company at one of the Priority Ambulance Family of Companies brands within 13 states nationwide, subject to a 24-month employment commitment.
Paramedic Dana Aldwin was a member of the inaugural Priority International EMS Workforce Initiative program, graduating in August 2023. She said there were several factors in considering working abroad, one being the challenge. “I wanted an opportunity to work in a different service in a different country. Professionally I was ready to be stretched a bit and challenged. Personally, I was ready for a new adventure.” Aldwin is currently a paramedic with Priority’s Puckett EMS in Georgia.
Applications for the company’s Fall 2024 class are now open. To learn more about the program, visit www.iemswi.com.