Now hiring EMTs and paramedics in Fremont County”
Fremont County Commission approved a five-year agreement with Frontier Ambulance to provide emergency 9-1-1 ambulance service to the county during a meeting on June 1. Frontier Ambulance will begin serving the county on July 1.
“As a commission, our focus is on ensuring that the people of Fremont County have high quality, clinically excellent ambulance service,” said Fremont County Commission Chairman Travis Becker. “Frontier Ambulance has shown a desire to be a good partner with us in creating a long-term sustainable EMS system in the county, and we are confident that we have found a positive solution for our community’s ambulance service.”
Frontier Ambulance is part of the Priority Ambulance family of companies, one of the largest, fastest-growing private ambulance services in the country. Priority Ambulance keeps decision-making local and signals that commitment by choosing to operate under company names and local identities that match with the community, which is why Frontier Ambulance was selected as a company name. Fremont County represents the company’s first expansion into the state of Wyoming.
“We appreciate the trust that the Fremont County Commission and the community have placed in us as their new ambulance service provider,” said Priority Ambulance CEO Bryan Gibson. “Our team is already on the ground in Fremont County working with the local team and community leaders to ensure a seamless transition to Frontier Ambulance on July 1. In every community we serve, we take a collaborative approach. We value and honor the local experience of the EMS professionals that have been serving the community for years, and all will have a place at Frontier Ambulance. We look forward to building a long-lasting partnership with Fremont County.”
All current employees currently working in Fremont County will be offered positions with Frontier Ambulance. Frontier Ambulance will rebrand the county’s 12-ambulance fleet and will daily staff five 24-hour advanced life support ambulances with EMTs and paramedics. All Fremont County ambulances will be dispatched by the Fremont County E-911 Center. Frontier Ambulance will also provide interfacility service to SageWest Health Care.
Frontier Ambulance is actively hiring for positions with a limited-time sign-on and retention bonus at www.frontier-ambulance.com.
About Priority Ambulance
Based in Knoxville, Tenn., Priority Ambulance provides the highest level of clinical excellence in emergency and nonemergency medical care to the communities it serves. Throughout its 14-state national service area, approximately 3,600 highly trained paramedics and EMTs staff a fleet of approximately 650 state-of-the-art emergency vehicles with the latest medical equipment and technology.
Priority Ambulance’s family of companies operates under trusted local brands providing medical transport options in 13 states. The Priority Ambulance company partners include Shoals Ambulance in Alabama; Maricopa Ambulance in Arizona; Puckett EMS in Georgia and Southeast Tennessee; Central EMS in Georgia; National EMS in Georgia; Ambucare in Georgia; Seals Ambulance in Indiana; Kunkel Ambulance in Upstate New York; Trans Am Ambulance in western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania; Lake Valley EMS in Central New York; Medshore Ambulance and Guardian Ambulance in South Carolina; Priority Ambulance in East Tennessee; A&E EMS in Tennessee; Baptist Ambulance in West Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi; LifeCare Medical Transports in Virginia and Maryland; and Frontier Ambulance in Wyoming.
For more information, visit www.priorityambulance.com.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]